Through the Veil

“For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12 

God has put eternity into our hearts. The longing, the ache, the yearning is for something nothing on Earth can fill. Do you ever find yourself, where, you have everything in the world, but it still doesn’t satisfy?  

There’s a reason for this.

Because your heart was made for Him.  

What was the Glory that we fell from? The glory that we are being restored back to? Through the blood, the veil was torn. We now have full access to the throne room by grace through faith.  

The waiting season is a reflection of Jesus waiting for His bride. He is coming back for us. To restore us fully. He is readying His bride for the marriage supper of the lamb. He is a God that longs to be known by His beloved. He wants to be near to you. He wants you to know Him. Knowing Him is worth everything. He is better than your wildest dreams and most grandiose castles that the Earth can offer. No pleasure on Earth compares to Him. I promise you, nothing compares to seeing a glimpse of His face.  

When you know Him, you Trust Him. I pray that you, reader, know Him deeply as friend, lover, companion, father, brother, healer, provider, and so much more. It is intimacy that He is calling us too. A couple months ago, I heard the Lord say, “I am looking for lovers, not doers.” He is looking to and fro on the Earth for those that will sit at His feet. Those that will adore Him. Those that will wash His feet with their tears.  

I have known Jesus since July 3, 2013. My walk with God for the past 9 years has been marked by sorrow. I have been well acquainted with grief and pain. He has walked me through layers and layers of healing. At only 25 years old, I have a close friendship with tears. I was talking with a friend the other day about how I am in a season where there isn’t an imminent crisis or need and I don’t know how to relate to God in normalcy. Don’t get me wrong I have seen the Lord work miracles in my life. This past year, out of obedience and faith, I stayed in a city and working at a job paying above minimum wage struggling to pay rent. This past year I saw God miraculously provide: I received $1000 venmos in the mail. At this point, my tires had lost all the tread and my dad said that if I didn’t get new tires, I would have a blowout. The next day someone paid $1100 for a full set of tires. I went to church one morning on the day that rent was due. I told the Lord, “God, you are going to have to provide today because I don’t have enough.” At church, a random man came up to me saying, “The Lord told me to pay for your rent,” and gave me double the amount that I needed.  Even the testimony of my new job is a miracle. I have more testimony to what God has done as I waited on Him. In that season, He was drawing me in to trust His heart when I couldn’t see His hand. He was preparing me for what He had prepared FOR me.

I have seen God provide in the most beautiful ways. I have known God as healer, provider, and savior. But I haven’t known Him as adventurer, joy, love, and fun. I am learning the new facets of His face that I haven’t seen before and it is beautiful. I sit here on the other side of the wilderness season to tell you this:

Keep the faith. Keep enduring. Keep your eyes and hope fixed on Him. He is faithful. Don’t doubt for a second His heart for you. Whatever season He has you in, He will bring you through. He is the same person in every part of your story. Give Him your ashes. He always exchanges them for beauty. I pray this encourages you and builds your faith to hope for more, dream for more, and believe in Him.  

In Him, 





A Message to those in a Waiting season.